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Viking Coat

updated ?

As my first War of the Wings approached in 2015, I knew I was going to need something a little warmer than what I'd worn at Gem Joust and Pennsic. I decided to make a Viking style coat out of fleece from my stash in the general style of the Birka coat. I basically followed the same pattern as my first T-tunic, and simply cut down the front. I did, however, end up having to put very long gussets in the backs of the sleeves, which were too small.


I wanted it to look at bit nicer so I got some navy blue 100% cotton woven trim from Jo-Ann (MPN 1862429055). I unfortunately ran out and couldn't find more at any of the local stores, then by chance I went to the one near my grandmother's when we were visiting and I found some more! I was able to go all the way around the collar, down either side of the front opening, and around the hem.


I made the cotton bottomweight pink dress I'm wearing underneath in the photo following this general pattern. I made the Skjoldehamn hood out of flannel from my stash. My belt is woven trim from Jo-Ann.


A woman wearing a Viking coat
Photo Gallery

War of the Wings 2015

November 2016 - Finally found the trim in a different state - score!

November 2022 - The coat laid out - ignore the blanket on the side there!

November 2022 - Closer view of the upper parts of the coat

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