- A 16th century Venetian courtesan -
Award Scrolls I've Received
updated ?
I wanted to showcase the beautiful scrolls I've been given that were created by exceptionally talented scribes. I've posted these photos here with their permission.
Scroll for: Award of Arms
Award description: The first level of rank-bearing award given by the Crown, which gives the recipient the right to use the title of Lord/Lady, and also to refer to their heraldic insignia as their arms.
Calligraphy by: ?
Illumination by: ?
Date received: May 28th, 2016 (Ruby Joust)
Text: ?

Scroll for: Court Baronage
Award description: given at the discretion of the Crown
Calligraphy by: Lady Caterina di Paulo
Illumination by: Lady Caterina di Paulo
Date received: May 27th, 2017 (Ruby Joust)
Text: Know by these presents that We, King Cuan VII and Signy, Our Dread Queen, do recognize and raise up for special recognition the works of Our subject: Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri.
She has labored to ensure, without asking for recognition or recompense, and only reluctantly accepting payment for fabric and notions, that no less than three generations of the Atlantian Royal Family (so far) may appear before the Kingdom and the Knowne World dressed and accoutered as before the Crowned Heads of the Best Kingdom of the World!
There, with the concurrance of William and Alyna, and Dietrich and
Thora, do We name her a Baroness of Our Court, and Grant her Arms to be borne without let or hindrance. To wit: Per pale azure and vert, in saltire an arrow inverted and a needle inverted, and on a chief argent three closed books palewise sable. Further do We augment her Arms and authorize Our Triton Principal Herald to register the following augmentation: A golden scissorts in such position as may best suit Our Loyal Subject.
Done by Our Hands this twenty-seventh day of May, Anno Societas LII being two thousand seventeen Gregorian, at Ruby Joust in Our Barony of Caer Mear.
Cuan Signy
King Queen
Verum est.

Scroll for: Order of the Pharos
Award description: the Barony of Caer Mear's award for exemplary service to the Barony
Calligraphy by: Etaín Dílis ingen Fhinn
Illumination by: Etaín Dílis ingen Fhinn
Date received: May 27th, 2017 (Ruby Joust)
Text: Prosperity proceeds not by trade but by temerity.
In honor of such service do we Tojenareum and Magda induct the noble Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri into our Order of the Pharos.
Done this 27th day of May A.S. LII
Tojenareum Magda
Baron Baroness

Scroll for: Order of La Bris de Mer
Award description: the Barony of Caer Mear's award for enriching the Barony in the arts and sciences of the Society
Calligraphy by: Fionn O'Brien
Illumination by: Anne Crowe
Date received: December 8th, 2018 (Yule)
Text: Come forward all and know that We, Tojenareum and Magda, Baron and Baroness of Caer Mear, have observed the good works and labors in addition the boundless dedication to the development and oversight of Youth Activities and Arts and Sciences which have enriched Our lands and peerage. Henceforth, We honor by Our hand and seal the lady Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri by awarding membership to the Order of La Bris de Mer on the eighth day of December, Anno Societatis LIII (53) during our baronial celebration of Yule.
Tojenareum Magda
Baron Baroness

Scroll for: Order of the Pearl
Award description: The Order of the Pearl honors and recognizes those subjects who have distinguished themselves by their efforts and their excellence in the arts and sciences of the period and/or their willingness to teach those same arts and sciences
Calligraphy by: Osa the Archer
Illumination by: Osa the Archer
Date received: May 27th, 2023 (Ruby Joust)
Text: Done this day by these present letters, We Afshin, King of Atlantia and Yasmin Our Queen, send greetings to all Our present nobles and gentles. Know ye that We of Our especial Grace and Certain Knowledge, in consideration of worthy endeavors in both Arts and Science do advance Our faithful subject Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri to the Rank, Style, Title, and Degree of Companion to Our most noble and excellent Order of the Pearl.
Done by Our hand this 27th day of May, Anno Societatis LVIII at Our Ruby Joust.
Afshin Yasmin
King Queen
Penis bird reference:
British Museum, museum number 1934,0228.2
Ferrarese, circa 1470-1480
Cat stealing dildo/disembodied penis:
Rijksmuseum, object number RP-P-OB-78.861
Non biedt kat vis aan in ruil voor penis
Flaisch macht Flaisch
Germany, 1555
Lady lifting skirt reference:
Paris, Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Ms. 0482, detail of f.60v.
Book of Hours. 15th century