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I have attention deficit disorder, and my usual method of working on most long-term personal projects involves doing a little at a time on many of them at once. Therefore, I have several handouts for classes in the works, with very few finished, and almost all of those I want to revise. If there's a handout that you'd like me to prioritize, please feel free to email me. I can't guarantee when or if it will get finished, but if I know at least one person actively wants it I'll make it more of a priority! 


Basic Garb Finishing Techniques

An in-progress handout for a class on ways to finish your garb, including buttonholes, cloth buttons, eyelets, facings, gore setting, and hems.

This is a class I designed after discussions with several members of the KWC who expressed a desire to try doing things in persona but felt unsure of how to go about it.
Class description: This is an adults only class for those interested in portraying a courtesan persona in the SCA. People of all ages over 18 and all genders welcome. We will be discussing how to speak and act like an elite sex worker and how to handle a number of situations you might find yourself in while in persona at events.
This handout may also be found on the Knowne World Courtesans website.
Easy SCA Accessories

An in-progress handout for a class on easy accessories you can make or buy that will improve your garb game.

How to Run Youth Activities at Events (working title)
This is a class was requested by a member of my barony. It is currently in the process of being developed.
Ginevra's Guide to Basic Research
An in-progress handout mostly for members of the KWC on how to find sources for research and images.
Phrases for Italian Personas
A collection of phrases in Italian for SCA personas.
Pronunciation for Heralds

An in-progress handout for a class on basic pronunciation rules for the more common languages of persona names in the SCA.

SCA on a Budget

An in-progress handout for a class on ways to save money on garb and gear for events.

SCA Underdress Basics
Goals: To have some idea what kinds of underdresses are generally appropriate for the garb of a given culture, and to have a general idea of how to construct them.
Sewing Patterns class

An in-progress handout for a beginner's class on how to use commercial sewing patterns, which may include a small amount of information on how to draft and use your own patterns at the end.

Sewing Machines class

An in-progress handout for a beginner's class on how to use sewing machines.

So You Wanna Attend an SCA Event: A Primer on Courtesy
An Atlantia-centric handout for people who are very new to the SCA on how to handle various scenarios they might encounter at events. 
"What Can I Do at Events?" A Guide for Kids

An in-progress handout for a class for kids and parents on what options kids have for participation at events.

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