- A 16th century Venetian courtesan -
About Me
updated January 2, 2023
I am known in the Society for Creative Anachronism as Baronessa Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri (jin - EV - ruh fee - uh - MET - uh dee seel - VESS - tree). My persona is a female courtesan (she/her/hers pronouns) living in Venice during the 16th century. I am an admin and proud member of the Knowne World Courtesans, a free confederation of people dedicated to promoting courtesan/sex worker personas in the SCA. I am passionate about learning, especially topics pertaining to historical gender and sexuality, and about exploring different ways to recreate the pre-17th century time periods we study.
Modernly, I am called Emily. I am a cisgender woman and use she/her/hers pronouns. I am currently taking a break from holding baronial office after serving as my barony's Chancellor of Youth for several years. I have taught classes on a few different topics and served as autocrat for an event designed to promote the SCA to local people who might be interested in joining.

Individual Atlantian Award Information
SCA Name: Baronessa Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri
Name registered with the College of Arms in November 2015.
Home Group: Caer Mear, Atlantia

Per pale azure and vert, in saltire an arrow inverted and a needle inverted and on a chief argent three closed books palewise sable.
Device registered with the College of Arms in March 2016.
Source: Ginevra Fiammetta di Silvestri on the Atlantian Order of Precedence