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Other Greco-Roman

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Between living in Atlantia (mid-East Coast USA) and going to Pennsic, I spend a lot of time at events in the heat. I don't have enough of a heat tolerance to handle wearing my late period garb when it's hot, so most of the time I turn to Greco-Roman.


One thing I love about Greek and Roman clothing is that it's easy to make it look fancy - throw on some fancy costume jewelry, wear a fancy belt or veil, make it out of fancy fabric, etc.

Photo Gallery
Embroidered peplos

Pennsic 2015 - this super easy peplos was made from embroidered 100% cotton curtain panels I found at a thrift store, with some buttons from Jo-Ann along the sleeves. It's also the garb I've received the most compliments for! The belt is a blue and white herringbone trim I got from Jo-Ann.

Light blue chiton

Pennsic 2016 - A linen chiton that was given to me by Mistress Margaret Cameron. The belt is a red and white cotton herringbone trim from Jo-Ann.

Light blue chiton

Pennsic 2018 - Same dress, different accessories!

RRW 2019 - Photo by Mistress Tannis of Tir-y-Don

Light blue chiton

Ruby Joust 2022 - Same dress, different accessories (again!)

Light blue chiton

Ruby Joust 2022 - Same dress, different accessories (again!)

Royal blue peplos

Pennsic 2016 - A linen peplos that was given to me by Mistress Margaret Cameron. The belt is a red and white cotton herringbone trim from Jo-Ann.

Joust 2019

Peach chiton and green himation

Ruby Joust 2017 - A Greek-ish chiton and himation I put together for Ruby Joust out of some cotton bubble gauze I had in my stash, and some orange buttons from Jo-Ann.

Peach chiton and green himation

Pennsic 2018 - at the 7th Annual Knowne World Courtesan Social

July 2018

Social 2019

Social 2019

Virtual Yule 2020 - I got dressed up for the video chat we had that year, and wore my (super wrinkly 😬) green Greek-ish chiton.

July 2019

Pennsic 2019

Pennsic 2022

Pennsic 2022

Pennsic 2022

July 2022

Pennsic 2022

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