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Miscellaneous (Accessories)

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Photos of accessories that I didn't make, or on which I didn't spend much time.


Herringbone trim belts

Herringbone trim belts

These belts are made from red/navy and white 100% cotton herringbone trim from Jo-Ann. All I had to do was hem both ends.

Pseudo-Medieval-ish Mittens

Pseudo-Medieval-ish Mittens

In late 2015, I was preparing to attend War of the Wings for the first time, and I knew it would be cold. I made these mittens from fleece (I'm allergic to wool) from my fabric stash. I used a blanket stitch around the edges. They're "convertible" since I thought I might need my fingers for something. I have never actually worn these.

Embroidered bag

Embroidered bag

One of my favorite garb items! My partner, Lord Vytautas Vilkas, embroidered this lovely violets pattern on this bag, which I wear often!

Makeshift Viking brooches

Makeshift Viking brooches

I got these gold disks off of earrings from Walmart (see link below - warning for antiziganist slur, which I didn't see when I purchased them) and glue-on pin backs at a craft store. I used two part epoxy to glue the backs on to make quick and easy, cheap Viking brooches.

Viking accessories

Viking accessories

L to R: Norse hygiene kit from HearthfireNordicWare, snips and scissors from HeddlesandTreadles, copper needlecase and toilet set from Daegrad (all Etsy shops)

Viking accessories

Viking accessories

Pansexual pride Viking strands I made from a glass bead mix from AC Moore, and my brooches from RareCrafts on Etsy (link below). I can swap out the yellow strand for a purple one to make the bi pride flag!

Wyrm pennanular brooch

Wyrm pennanular brooch

Purchased from Daegrad on Etsy (see link below)

Viking raven brooch

Viking raven brooch

Purchased from RareCrafts on Etsy (see link below)

Viking comb pendant

Viking comb pendant

Purchased from RareCrafts on Etsy (see link below)

Viking amulet

Viking amulet

Purchased from MAGICrebEL on Etsy (see link below)

Linen apron

Linen apron

Holiday Faire 2018: This apron was once a linen curtain panel, found by my mother at a thrift store. I gathered the top edge and got some half inch wide double fold bias tape from Walmart for the band. Super easy!

Beaded veil (in progress)

Beaded veil (in progress)

Pennsic 2016 - Beading the edge of a veil, from a class I took taught by Baroness Oddkatla Jonsdottir. I can't find the exact details of the beads I used but I believe they were Darice rocaille seed beads in some shade of gold, and I think I got them at Jo-Ann.

Beaded veil

Beaded veil

Fall 2016 - the veil is finished! Trying it on very haphazardly with a circlet and messy braids.

Skjoldehamn hood

Skjoldehamn hood

War of the Wings 2015 - I made this Skjoldehamn hood out of flannel from my stash based on Lady Inga Fostra inn Danska's class. I did a little decorative stitching around the hem.

Roman diadem (front)

Roman diadem (front)

I bought this beautiful diadem from the Etsy shop WickedlyWired (link below) after seeing Jane Fox wearing one and her letting me feel how lightweight it was. I added the pearls to it for the Bacchanal at Pennsic 2018.

Roman diadem (back)

Roman diadem (back)

I found these "Pearl Picks" at Michael's (see link below) and cut them to fit, then used gold duct tape to attach them. You actually can't see the back at all while I'm wearing it. This is the only baronial "coronet" I have at the moment.

Embroidered St. Birgitta's cap

Embroidered St. Birgitta's cap

January 2017 - Wearing a beautifully embroidered St. Birgitta's cap made for me by my partner, Lord Vytautas Vilkas

Embroidered cup covers

Embroidered cup covers

Cup covers completed May 18, 2015. My partner, Lord Vytautas Vilkas, did the top two (a Vytis Cross and a Columns of Gediminas, both Lithuanian symbols, in satin stitch) and I did the bottom two (a Bowen knot with lozenges and an Ouroboros, in backstitch). We have literally never used these.

Ever After style hairnet

Ever After style hairnet

Purchased from ThytiraDesigns on Etsy (see link below)

Italian reta (hairnet)

Italian reta (hairnet)

Purchased from ChainMailleandPearls on Etsy (see link below)

Italian reta (hairnet) 2

Italian reta (hairnet) 2

Purchased from ThytiraDesigns on Etsy (see link below)

Black fleece cloak

Black fleece cloak

October 2019 - wearing the cloak I purchased from WickedAndWhimsy on Etsy (see link below) at the 17th Annual Cathouse Halloween Party

Needle case

Needle case

Purchased from YeGreenBough on Etsy (see link below)

Sword and shield hair pin

Sword and shield hair pin

Purchased from NeedlesAndChisels on Etsy (see link below)

Velvet swing coat

Velvet swing coat

Purchased from AmbassadorGrooviness on Etsy (see link below). I bought this to wear as a sort of 16th century Italian zimarra at War of the Wings. It came with a faux fur lining. It's a little tight in the sleeves over my late period gowns, so I may alter them in the future.

Gold mini-coronet

Gold mini-coronet

Purchased from SICHWISELY on Etsy (see link below). These tiny crowns can be seen in many 16th century Italian paintings. I got one to wear as a baronial coronet.

Gold mini-coronet

Gold mini-coronet

Another tiny crown purchased from CREPUSCOLO on Amazon (see link below).

Gold mini-coronet

Gold mini-coronet

Another tiny crown purchased from O Global Quest on Amazon (see link below).

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