- A 16th century Venetian courtesan -
Facebook groups
updated ?
This page is a collection of Facebook groups for various subjects, both SCA and non-SCA. Some are groups of which I'm a member, some are recommendations from friends. If you'd like to recommend a group (or more than one!), or if you find any broken or incorrect links, contact me!
Friendly reminder: always read the rules for posting before you post in a new Facebook group!
Arts and Sciences and other activities
Health/Chronic Illness and Disability
Pennsic (and other big events)
Groups specific to or focused on the Kingdom of Atlantia or one or more of its subgroups.
Artisanal Largesse of Atlantia - a gift exchange, A&S geeking, and a chance to meet new friends from around Atlantia
Atlantia Arts and Sciences Discussion - for general discussion and questions regarding the Arts and Sciences in Atlantia
Atlantia Commentary Training Group - group of Atlantian heralds learning how to comment on letters on OSCAR
Atlantia Special Kids - ASK us - a support group in Atlantia for family of children with special needs
Atlantia-YAFA Youth and Family Achievement Program - for Atlantians involved with the YAFA program
Atlantian Academie of Dance - chartered guild of Atlantia created to further the practice of dance
Atlantian Autocrats and Other Interested People - for those who have or want to have experience autocratting events
Atlantian Disability Education - for supporting and educating Atlantians regarding disability services
Atlantian Family Information Point - for those in Atlantia who are interested in family style SCA life
Atlantian Garb Challenges - a centralized location for all Atlantian Garb Challenges
Atlantian Madrasa (Middle Eastern Guild) - to share info and support for Atlantians with Middle Eastern Personas
Atlantian Newcomers' Point - for newcomers to the Kingdom of Atlantia
Atlantian Rideshare & Crash Space - group to help those interested in attending SCA Events in Atlantia
Atlantian Royal Garb - group for people who produce garb for the Atlantian royals
Atlantian Scribes - anything to do with calligraphy and/or illumination in Atlantia
Bards and Performers of Atlantia - community of bards and performers in the Kingdom of Atlantia
Barony of Caer Mear, SCA Inc. - barony covering the central VA area in Atlantia
Bringing Back The Dream: Atlantian Millennials Unofficial - encourage less "SCAisms" and do more period practices
Clan Blue Feather Atlantia - group for the SCA's LGBTQIAP+ community in Atlantia
College of Heralds & Scribes of Atlantia - news, information, and socializing between the heralds and scribes of Atlantia
The Great Atlantian Marketplace - for Atlantians to barter, sell or trade their SCA items
Kingdom of Atlantia Announcements and Discussion - for official Atlantia announcements, events and discussions
​L'abbaye des abeilles: The Atlantian Courtesan Guild - ​​for Atlantian courtesans and supporters to have discussions
Largesse Makers Of Atlantia - make items for Baronage and Crown to distribute to the populace
The Merry Rose of Atlantia - unofficial Facebook group for Atlantia
Needlework in Atlantia - to promote and educate Atlantians about the Needlework Arts & Sciences
Richmond Renaissance Dancers - not SCA - promotion and preservation of late Renaissance court dances
Revenge of the Stitch & Other Diverse Matters - an annual event in the Shire of Spiaggia Levantina, Atlantia
Southampton Renaissance Friends - not SCA - an annual Renaissance faire in Courtland, VA
Special Needs in Atlantia - support group for people with special needs in Atlantia
St. Anne's Guild of Clothiers - Atlantian chartered guild for costuming
Unofficial Atlantian Marshalls group - for the dissemination and discussion of information to the Atlantian Mashallate
The Virginia Renaissance Faire - not SCA - an annual Renaissance faire in Spotsylvania, VA
War of the Wings - an annual Atlantian event in October at Elchenburg Castle in Elkin, NC
Yarnvid - the College of Yarnvid is a subgroup of the Barony of Caer Mear
Arts and Sciences and other activities:​
​Bardic/Performing Arts:
Atlantian Academie of Dance - chartered guild of Atlantia created to further the practice of dance
Bards and Performers of Atlantia - community of bards and performers in the Kingdom of Atlantia
The Knowne World Bardcast - podcast themed around the bardic arts of the SCA
Legends of the SCA A&S Challenge - challenge to create a portrayal of Scadian legends in the medium of your choice
Richmond Renaissance Dancers - not SCA - promotion and preservation of late Renaissance court dances
SCA Bardic Arts - group for information related to all things Bardic in the SCA
SCA Choral Ensemble - for Scadians who wish to share their talents in a choral setting
SCA Medieval and Renaissance Dance - discussion group for all things medieval and renaissance dancing
SCA Poetry - for those interested in writing, discussing and sharing of medieval and Renaissance style poetry
Theatrical Arts of the Society for Creative Anachronism - ​​promote and discuss Theatrical Arts within the SCA
Historic Cosmetics - history and making of cosmetics, scents, and assorted beauty and body products
The Medieval Woman~Health And Beauty Of The Middle Ages - life of the Medieval and Renaissance woman
SCA Period Hair Forum - Period Hair Help Forum where we work together to make you feel good about your hair look
Fiber Arts:
Blackwork Embroidery/Stitching Lovers - all blackwork addicts welcome
Blackwork Journey Elizabeth Almond Designs - explore blackwork embroidery and associated techniques
Blackwork Needlework - for creators and enthusiasts of traditional and new variations of Blackwork embroidery
Bobbin Lace Making - for people with an interest in the art of making hand made lace with bobbins
Early Period Lacemakers - for all those interested in making early period lace of any type
Finger Loop Braiding - discuss finger loop braiding, hand loop manipulation and oblique fingerweaving
Historic Hand Embroidery - group for historic hand embroidery of pre-WWI eras
Historic Knitting - group for historic knitting of all eras
Historic Tablet Weaving - share historic tablet weaving resources, show off projects, and seek help with projects
Historical Machine Embroidery - for sharing information related to machine embroidery that is historic in style
Historical Warp Weighted Looms - discuss (historical) warp-weighted weaving
Inkle Weaving - for discussions relating to the weaving of narrow warp faced cloth
Known World Loop Manipulation - exploration, learning, experimenting, and sharing loop braiding
Luceteers - interest group for lucet braiding
Needlework in Atlantia - to promote and educate Atlantians about the Needlework Arts & Sciences
Nålbinding - for discussing the ancient craft of nålbinding
Posaments - to discuss the creation, history and uses of Viking age posaments
Printed Textiles in the Middle Ages - study group for printed textiles in the Middle Ages
SCA Fiber Arts - a group for for SCA members who are interested in the Medieval Fiber Arts
SCA Fiber Solar - guild of Fiber artists mainly in An Tir
Spinning Fibers - for spinners from around the world come to share their love of spun fiber
Sprang - for learning and sharing photos of sprang
Stayner de Silk Display - photos of silk banners by Madame Cynthia Du Pont
Artisans of the Society for Creative Anachronism - for all Artisans of the SCA to post their creations in A&S
Arts and Science of the "Current" Middle Ages - group for all those who would like to share the period things they create
AS 50 A&S 50 Challenge - challenge to produce 50 A&S things for the SCA's 50th Anniversary
Atlantia Arts and Sciences Discussion - for general discussion and questions regarding the Arts and Sciences in Atlantia
SCA A & S Junkies - for anyone who loves the arts and sciences in the SCA
SCA Arts and Sciences - forum to share A&S projects for Pent, A&S 50 and more
Easy Scadian Camping Meals - to assist non-cooks or seldom-cooks in putting together foods to enjoy at SCA events
Medieval Games - discussion of games played in the time between 600 AD and 1600 AD
Omnibus Martial Peerage - for the creation of an omnibus peerage for martial prowess for all martial arts
SCA Leather Workers - dedicated to leather toolers, carvers, crafters, and armourers within the SCA
SCA Metalworking and Jewelers Group - discussion of non-ferris metalworking, decorative arts and jewelry in the SCA
SCA Subtleties/Sotelties/Entremets/Sweet! - creating subtleties / sotelties / entremets and sweets for SCA events
SCA target archery - for SCA archers to discuss all topics related to SCA archery
TABOO: Mature Themes in the Arts and Sciences - unsavory, graphic, taboo, and mature themes in A&S research
Atlantian Scribes - anything to do with calligraphy and/or illumination in Atlantia
Caid College of Scribes - group to promote scribal arts in the Kingdom of Caid
College of Heralds & Scribes of Atlantia - news, information, and socializing between the heralds and scribes of Atlantia
SCA Non Traditional Awards/Scrolls - place to post photos & discuss ideas of awards that aren't a traditional paper scroll
SCA Scribes - for those interested in the Scribal Arts of Medieval and Renaissance Calligraphy and Illumination
SCA Scribes and Illumination - for scribes and photos of scrolls
SCA Scroll Gallery - a space to post pictures and recognize the artistry of scrolls
SCA Scroll Text Authors - resource for SCA scroll text writers to research and source scroll texts
SCA Scrolls and Scribes: All Original Art - ​for SCA Scribes who create all original scribal art
14th Century Reenactors SHOP ~&~ SWAP (1250-1600) - for items from 1250-1600
16th Century Reenactors SHOP & SWAP (1400-1700) - for items from 1400-1700
All Eras Costuming Swap and Shop - items for sale or trade
A Costumers Stash ALL For sale - items posted for sale related to sewing/costumes all eras
Destash Central - for first dibs on stashes of SCA fabrics, gear, and garb
EARLY MEDIEVAL SHOP ~&~ SWAP (600-1150) - for items from 600-1150
Garb and Gear Exchange - for selling/trading all your costuming needs, any time period or cosplay
Garb For Sale - pre-1600's clothing and accessories, mundane items from vendors and artists, buy, sell and trade
The Great Atlantian Marketplace - for Atlantians to barter, sell or trade their SCA items
HIGH MEDIEVAL Reenactors SHOP ~&~ SWAP (1100-1350) - for items from 1100-1350
Historical Costumes Buy/Sell/Trade/Order Custom Items - a place to buy and sell historical themed costumes
InterKi ngdom Tradecycle - items for trade/sale/give-away
The K nowne World Merchants Row - merchants appealing to the modern medievalist in the SCA
Medieval Market - new and used goods or services that are for sale, for trade, free, or wanted
Medieval Marketplace - a place for people to sell, trade, or search for items related to the SCA
Medieval Re-enactment Buy& Sell - for buying, selling and swapping of medieval re-enactment items
Pennsic yard sale & SCA FREE cycle (Pennsic 2018) (Eastern, USA) - Pennsic focused B/S/T group
Period Costume and Costume Trading room aka upcycled costume fashion - selling and trading Period costume items
Perry Morse Books - SCA related books and other items
RennShop and Exchange - for selling, trading or seeking items that are Renaissance Festival related
SCA & Medieval Garb & Wares Market Place - trade your wares, sell your goods, barter your services
SCA Destash - ​for people in the SCA have stuff or services to offer for trade, or sell or even free
SCA Medieval Barter Town - to trade Medieval(ish) goods or services without the exchange of money
SCA Merchant Row - for Scadians to sell thier medieval wares
SCA , Renn Faire, Pirate, Fairy and Steampunk Items For Sale - group with items for sale of interest to people in the SCA
SCA Yard Sale - uy, sell, and trade SCA-useful items
Swap it, sell it, buy it Medieval - forum for reenactors and enthusiasts to show off and sell/swap their wares
Vikings of the SCA Marketplace - marketplace for members of "Vikings of the SCA" ​
Canvas Tent Trader (Buy, Sell, Trade) - for buying, selling, or trading your used or new canvas tents
All Fiber Equipment For Sale - for all items related to fiber processing that are for sale
The Bead Bandwagon - Antique, Vintage, and Rare Beads and Stones - jewelry making components
Bobbin Lace Market - any bobbin lace related items to buy, sell or swap
Historical Costuming Fabric/Trims/Patterns Buy/Sell/Trade - historical type fabric, trims & patterns to sell, buy, or trade
Historical Fabric Hoarders Trade and Sale - to trade and sell fabric/trims/etc. from our stash
Reenactor Materials Destash - to sell or give fabric, leather, horn, bone, trim, buttons, and other craft materials
Sari Party! - for upcycling interesting vintage saris
SCA Fiber: Buy, Sell, and Trade - ​a central place to buy, sell, or trade fiber of all sorts for SCA use
Groups that are related to courtesanerie and some of the causes and activities we support.
- Calontir Courtesans - an unofficial Facebook group for courtesans residing in Calontir
- ​Courtesans Party Everyday Barter Party - for members of the KWC to post items up for barter and trade
- Courtesans of Aethelmearc - a group for Aethelmearcian courtesans and supporters
- Courtesans of Meridies Community - a community dedicated to the research and support of courtesans in Meridies
- Courtesans of the Sun - For those in Atenveldt who portray a courtesan persona, patrons, and those interested
- Courtesans of Trimaris - an online group for Trimarian courtesans to discuss, plan, and share research
- Followers of the Silver Sirens - a group for patrons, protectors, and supporters of the Courtesans of Trimaris
- Infinity of Love (Company of the Aurora Borealis) - Northshield Courtesans - Northshield Branch of the KWC
Knowne World Courtesans- Study and Support - a group dedicated to promoting sex worker personas in the SCA
KWC Book Club - a place to discuss all books that Knowne World Courtesans find interesting
KWC Lochac - a place for the Lochac KWCs to plan, discuss and grow their presence in their Kingdom
KWC Tullia Society - a society of those who support courtesans in the SCA
​L'abbaye des abeilles: The Atlantian Courtesan Guild - ​​for Atlantian courtesans and supporters to have discussions
Medieval Mischief - a place for the naughty element of the SCA to hang out
Middle Kingdom Courtesans Guild - for those interested in promoting the idea of courtesans in the Middle Kingdom
Pennsic for "Adults" - discuss adult things around Pennsic, make plans, find things to do
Pennsic Parties - a group to post & trade information about parties at Pennsic
Period Heroes (SCA Edition) - a volunteer menstrual/period supply group for SCA events
Safer SCA - to support and promote the voices of victims of sexual assault and/or harassment in the SCA
SCA I need a consort/I am a consort - a resource for fighters looking for a consort or vice versa
SCA Valkyrie Squad - an SCA Take Back the Night/Sexual Violence Education Initiative
TABOO: Mature Themes in the Arts and Sciences - unsavory, graphic, taboo, and mature themes in A&S research
The Velvet Mask (Company of the Sable Domino) - East Kingdom Courtesans - the Eastern Branch of the KWC
Whores to Culture - a podcast dedicated to discussing the history of sex and sex workers​
SCA Celts and Early Period - Celts, Gauls, and Picts during the Iron age (600 BCE-500 CE)
Anglo Saxon Clothing - Anglo Saxon clothing, textiles and dress accessories 410 - 1066 CE
Éire of the Middle Ages (SCA) - discussion group about Éire (Ireland) in the Middle Ages as it pertains to the SCA
SCA Irish - Early Christian and Viking Age - a forum for discussing research of Early Christian and Viking Age Ireland
Elizabethan Costume - clothing and fashions from the Tudor period (1485-1603 CE)​
SCA Byzanteam - garb, culture, art, and personas, 400-1453 CE Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Research & Recreation - all things Byzantine Empire
East and South Asian:​
The Eastern Gate - China and Chinese culture
SCA India - for South Asian personas in the SCA
SCA Japanese - for Japanese persona in the SCA
SCA Korea (Unofficial) - Korean history pre-1600s
German Renaissance Clothing - for costume reference for German garb recreation 1490-1600 CE
SCA Landsknecht - garb photos, patterns, and other research related material for Landsknecht personas​​
EK Italian Garb - East Kingdom 16th century Italian garb interest group
Known World Italian Salon & Symposium - will be held during Gulf Wars XXIX 2020
Loggia Vecchio - 15th C Italian clothes, art & culture - clothing, art and culture of 15th century Italy
The Realm of Venus and Renaissance Italy - Costume and Culture - garb, late 15th to 16th century Italy
16th Century Italian Workshop - mostly garb, 16th century Italy
Middle Eastern:
Atlantian Madrasa (Middle Eastern Guild) - to share info and support for Atlantians with Middle Eastern Personas
SCA Egypt - to share knowledge about Egypt and its role in medieval and modern society
SCA Middle Eastern and Mediterranean - Scadians with an interest in Islamic-connected cultures
SCA Ottoman Clothing and Culture - clothing and textiles of the pre-17th century Ottoman empire
SCA Persian Clothiers - Persian clothing, history, food, and anything else Persian related within the SCA time period​
Romani Life - life of the Rom before 1600
SCA Africa - Egypt, Kush, Nubia, Mali, Ghana, Benin, Oyo, Kongo and the pre-17th century Diaspora
SCA Baltic - all aspects of life on the Balti in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
SCA Iberia (Spain and Portugal) - all aspects of Iberian life in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
SCA: Indigenous Voices and supporters (Unofficial) - inclusivity and support for Indigenous people in the SCA
SCA New World Personas (Unofficial) - pre-Hispanic, pre-Colonial Native and Indigenous personas
Slavic Interest Group - history and culture of the Medieval Slavic, Central European, and Eastern European worlds
Romans of the S.C.A - creating/improving Roman personae within the SCA
The Roman Summer of Superheroes - challenge for garb inspired by superheroes and villains​
SCA Hellenic. A Unofficial SCA Group - explore recreation of all aspects of ancient Greek daily life
Scholarly Discussion on Viking Age Clothing - serious discussions about clothing of the Viking Age
Viking Age Crafts - share experiences, show work or ask questions about Viking age crafts
Viking Clothing - for Viking clothing enthusiasts
Viking Clothing (SCA-style) - for those interested in Viking age clothing and accessories to share and discuss research
Viking/Dark Ages sewing & garb - sewing or garb/clothing relating to the Viking/Dark Ages (pre-1200AD)
Viking Era Textiles and Fiber Arts - historical fiber arts, textiles, and experimental archaeology, focus on Vikings
Viking Gear - for Viking re-enactors and enthusiasts who aim for historical authenticity in their gear
Vikings - for Viking, Saxon and Norman reenactment
Vikings of the SCA - learning and teaching group for all the Viking personas of the SCA
Vikings of the SCA Crafts - share craftsmanship of Viking crafts
Garb and Gear Help/Photos:​
Atlantian Garb Challenges - a centralized location for all Atlantian Garb Challenges
Bejewelled History - place for people to talk about pre-1600 CE jewelry and other small bejewelled items
Creating Beginner Garb for the SCA (UNOFFICIAL) - helping the beginner SCA member create reasonable attempt garb
Historical Underthings - learning about, recreating, and sharing all things historical underwear
Making It Real - for artisans of all skill levels, working towards authenticity
Margo's Patterns/Historic Costume Patterns - ​for the users of Margo Anderson's Historic Costume Patterns
Pennsic Garb Motivation - a show-and-tell group to keep up the sewing momentum and creativity between Pennsics
Period Costuming Support Group - ideas, advice & help with interpretation & creation of period style costumes
The Pretty Boy Guild (Unofficial SCA Group) - for people to share info on male garb construction and presentation
Reenactment clothing and textiles - the main focus of this group is from 30,000 BCE to early 19th c CE
SCA 5th Avenue - a juried selection of high end medieval re-creation goods for use in the SCA
SCA Children's Garb - for ideas, discussions and to ask for help with Children's Garb
SCA Costumers - photos, links, and questions about garb
SCA "Extra": Over-the-top Authenticity and Appearance in Garb - for SCAdians to raise their personal bar in authenticity
SCA Found-Object Art - finding modern stuff that can be re-purposed for medieval and Renaissance fun​
SCA free garb and accessories - for giving away unwanted garb and accessories
SCA Hats and other things that go on your head. - forum to share SCA headwear
SCA Garb - Medieval Renaissance costuming discussion for Scadians
SCA Garb Challenge - periodic garb challenges
SCA Garb How-to - sharing and learning how to make medieval clothing
SCA Garb - The Next Steps - dedicated to the improving historical accuracy for SCA garments and kits
SCA Pageantry - show off medieval/Renaissance pageantry, ask questions, and post links on how-tos
SCA Regalia - photos of regalia such as crowns, coronets, medallions, belts, collars, caps of maintenance, and badges
SCA Runway - a place to show the fashions of the SCA
Silly Medieval Hats - fans of the amazing hat shapes of the European Middle Ages: cauls, hennins, veils...
Show Us Your SCA/reenactor Garb and gear on a budget. A Unofficial SCA Gro - period garb and gear on a budget
St. Anne's Guild of Clothiers - Atlantian chartered guild for costuming
Subtle SCA Cosplay - place to plan and share subtle cosplay in period style
Better SCA Camping - talk about how to make what SCA gear you already have look better
Canvas Castle Showcase - show off camp furniture, decor, and other accouterments at SCA events
Cooler Camouflage (SCA) - making a cooler medievally acceptable
Floor Cloth Creation - Countess Brigit of Mercia's group on how to create painted floor cloths
Making It Real - for artisans of all skill levels, working towards authenticity
Medieval Furniture - for sharing ideas, pictures/information and plans for medieval furniture
Medieval Tent Resources - discussion on tents during the medieval period including design and construction
Medieval Tentmakers - discussion group for makers of tents and other portable structures in the SCA
Pennsic Cool Camping Tips - things that make camping at Pennsic more enjoyable or comfortable
SCA Campers Nuglets - to share any camping tips for the SCA
SCA Found-Object Art - finding modern stuff that can be re-purposed for medieval and Renaissance fun​
SCA HACKS - post hacks to share knowledge and make things a little easier and faster for everyone
SCA Historical Camps. A Unofficial SCA Group - to discuss improving the historical accuracy of SCA camps
SCA Pageantry - show off medieval/Renaissance pageantry, ask questions, and post links on how-tos
SCA Period Encampment - for those interested in sharing and improving the historical accuracy of their camping
Show Us Your SCA/reenactor Garb and gear on a budget. A Unofficial SCA Gro - period garb and gear on a budget
Uping it in the SCA - up-cycling garb site for the SCA
Health/Chronic Illness and Disability:
AEthelmearc Ability Awareness Group - a group for Aethelmearcians with disabilities
Atlantia Special Kids - ASK us - support group for Atlantians who have children with special needs
Atlantian Disability Education - for supporting and educating Atlantians regarding disability services
Cannon Advanced warning System (CAWS) - public social media page for the Pennsic CAWS
East Kingdom Accessibility Porters - Facebook group for the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Office
Gimping together - place for mobility challenged Calontiri and their families
Just Breathe - Social Anxiety in the SCA - support group for Scadians with social anxiety
Period Heroes (SCA Edition) - a volunteer menstrual/period supply group for SCA events
Sanctuary of St Dymphna (Society for Creative Anachronism) - a place for Scadians with emotional/mental disorders
SCA Accessibility Resources - information sharing group for Scadians with disabilities
SCA CPAP Support (Unofficial) - for SCA members that use a CPAP machine and those that support them
SCA Sign/Silent Heraldry - a place to talk about Sign/Silent Heraldry within the SCA
SCA Wooden Spoon Club - for Scadians with any form of chronic illness, physical or mental health issue
SCAdians with Disabilities - exploring the history of people with disabilities pre-1603 and supporting disabled Scadians
Scadians with PTSD - for Scadians who have PTSD and those who wish to support them
Special Needs in Atlantia - ​​support group for people with special needs in Atlantia
Atlantia Commentary Training Group - group of Atlantian heralds learning how to comment on letters on OSCAR
Baby Heralds of the SCA (Unofficial) - a Teaching Order where experienced heralds help novices
College of Heralds & Scribes of Atlantia - news, information, and socializing between the heralds and scribes of Atlantia
Heraldrydiculous or L'Heraldique-ulous - a comic about heraldry
Heralds Point Off-Site Support - group for Heralds in the SCA to consult on research and conflict checks remotely
Latin for Medieval Re-enactors - discussion group on the Latin language and language-learning for re-enactors
Rendering SCA Heraldry for OSCAR - help rendering heraldry for the SCA, specifically for uploading to OSCAR
SCA Authentic Ceremonial - research and discussion of pre-1600 ceremonial and court practices
SCA Heraldry Unofficial Chat - for heralds and other members of the SCA to discuss all matters of heraldry
SCA Heraldry Wikis - forum for the members of the SCA Heraldry Wikispace
SCA Language & Dialect Geeks - for Scadians to discuss the study and translation of languages & dialects
What's My Blazon? - ​for people interested in learning the art of heraldic blazonry
CAH Pennsic Edition - to create a Pennsic Edition of Cards Against Humanity
Cards against the SCA - ideas for an SCA version of "Cards Against Humanity"
Medieval Jollity - a fun group for those who love all kinds of medieval humour
SCA Culture - All the In-Jokes - repository for SCA in jokes based on books, movies, and culture
SCA Humor - group to share all sorts of funny SCA stories or pictures
SCA No sh¡t there I was...... - place to post all of the amazing stories that the SCA experience has inspired
SCA Royal Facepalm - images of people facepalming during court
You know you've been in the SCA too long when... - ​a humor group
Artisanal Largesse of Atlantia - a gift exchange, A&S geeking, and a chance to meet new friends from around Atlantia
Dirty Dozen Donation Derby - a competition to encourage the creation of largesse
Gender Neutral Largess - the goal is to have largess that are less binary and more fabulous!
Largess Kids - to share and brainstorm ideas for largess made for kids by kids in the SCA
Largesse for Deployed Lords & Ladies - support group of SCAdians who make small gifts for deployed SCAdians
Largesse Makers - for sharing photos of and ideas for largesse
Largesse Makers Of Atlantia - make items for Baronage and Crown to distribute to the populace
Nobelese Largesse - a secret swap, A&S geeking, and a chance to meet new friends from around the Knowne World
SCA Largesse - share ideas, photos, and suggestions for making largesse
SCA Site Tokens - share ideas, photos, and suggestions of site tokens you have made or have received at an event​​
Clan Blue Feather - group for the SCA's LGBTQIAA+ community
Clan Blue Feather Atlantia - group for the SCA's LGBTQIAP+ community in Atlantia
Family and Spouses of trans people in the SCA - for the family and spouses of trans people who are in the SCA
Inspirational Equality in the SCA - an advocacy group for discussion re access to Crown Tourney entry for all couples
Pennsic 50 Pride Parade - interest group for an LGBTQIAP+ Pride Parade at Pennsic 50
THE SCGAY AGENDA-BARDIC PRIDE - for the LGBTQ+ centric episode of the Knowne World Bardcast
Yda and Auda's Queer Challenge - ​​for Bardic material that is explicitly queer
- Ask The Chatelaines - forum to ask questions about the role of the Chatelaine or Hospitaller
- Atlantian Newcomers' Point - for newcomers to the Kingdom of Atlantia
- Beyond Basic medieval for the "new" player (unofficial) - get info, ideas, and pointed to resources to up your SCA game
I am new to the SCA and I want to... - group is intended to help new folks in the SCA find a sponsor who can help them
Known World Guiding Stars (Unofficial) - share your ideas of helping new people in the SCA
SCA Chatelaines-the SCA Welcome Wagon - forum for SCA chatelaines to share inspiration, experience and knowledge
SCA Newcomers' Point - a place for newcomers to ask questions
SCA Recruitment - dedicated to sharing resources and ideas about SCA recruitment
Pennsic (and other big events):
Bog University - a non-private camp, non- merchant satellite campus for Pennsic University
Ca' d'Oro Renaissance Salon - a Gulf Wars department and Late Period Life (LPL) class area
CAH Pennsic Edition - to create a Pennsic Edition of Cards Against Humanity
Cannon Advanced warning System (CAWS) - public social media page for the Pennsic CAWS
Casa Bardicci - replica at Pennsic of an Italian Renaissance villa
Easy Scadian Camping Meals - to assist non-cooks or seldom-cooks in putting together foods to enjoy at SCA events
Known World Italian Salon & Symposium - will be held during Gulf Wars XXIX 2020
Pennsic 50 Pride Parade - interest group for an LGBTQIAP+ Pride Parade at Pennsic 50
PENNSIC CAMP SEARCH - for Pennsic camps and campers to find each other more easily
Pennsic Carpool - a group for people who need rides and are wiling to give rides to Pennsic
Pennsic Classifieds (unofficial) - buy and sell group for anyone involved in SCA camping style events
Pennsic Cool Camping Tips - things that make camping at Pennsic more enjoyable or comfortable
Pennsic Fiber Arts Pavilion - a pavilion devoted to the Fiber Arts and available for the duration of Pennsic
Pennsic for "Adults" - discuss adult things around Pennsic, make plans, find things to do
Pennsic Garb Motivation - a show-and-tell group to keep up the sewing momentum and creativity between Pennsics
The Pennsic Independent - fans and staff of The Pennsic Independent
Pennsic Known World Children's Fete - for planning and photos of the Children's Fete at Pennsic
Pennsic Panic Prep Support Group - support group for those going to Pennsic who have lots to do in a very short time
Pennsic Procrastinators Unite....Tomorrow - for commiserating about how un-prepared we are for Pennsic
Pennsic Swampys & Friends - for people who like to camp or party in the Bog at Pennsic
Pennsic Target Archery and Thrown Weapons - communication between the Pennsic Staff and Archery and TW
Pennsic Parties - a group to post & trade information about parties at Pennsic
Pennsic War - unofficial Facebook discussion group for the Pennsic War
Pennsic War Minion Union - a group of Pennsic War attendees willing and looking for work for pay
Pennsic yard sale & SCA FREE cycle (Pennsic 2018) (Eastern, USA) - Pennsic focused B/S/T group
Period Heroes (SCA Edition) - a volunteer menstrual/period supply group for SCA events
Pre-Pennsic Challenge - post one thing a day that we're doing to prepare for Pennsic between April and July
SCA Event Notification Page - to post formal events and notify members as to the associated links and FB pages
Southampton Renaissance Friends - not SCA - an annual Renaissance faire in Courtland, VA
Trick or Treating at Pennsic - for anybody interested in helping plan or execute an adult trick treat party at Pennsic
The Virginia Renaissance Faire - not SCA - an annual Renaissance faire in Spotsylvania, VA
War of the Wings - an annual Atlantian event in October at Elchenburg Castle in Elkin, NC
ArtSci Dox Buds - feedback and help for documenting A&S projects
Ask for PDFs from People with Institutional Access - to request PDFS from institutional databases and resources
The Authenticity Office - for comments about authenticity by experts and authenticity officers from a variety of groups
Help Me Find a Thing: Sourcing Historical Images - for help with finding sources for and other info about images
History Groups Directory - links to Facebook history groups and pages, websites, and blogs
An Open Society for Creative Anachronism - Is It Period? - repository for documentation of the periodicity of SCA things
Persona Research and Study Questions - for those interested in developing their SCA personas to share their research
Resources for SCA and BoN (garbs, armor, jewelry) - share resources regarding historical garb, armor, jewelry and so on
SCA Ask A Librarian - a group of library workers who volunteer to help make research easier and more efficient
SCA Authentic Ceremonial - research and discussion of pre-1600 ceremonial and court practices
SCA Creating Documentation for Arts and Science Group - for better experiences of A&S competitions/displays
SCA Library of Alexandria - A&S discussions with the Laurels of our Realms - for discussions with other research geeks
SCA/Period Reenactor resource page. A Unofficial SCA Group - info/resources for developing kits and personas
SCA Persona Research - help research, develop, document, and understand the culture and times of SCA personas​​​​
100 Days of SCA Service - challenge to spend at least 10 minutes a day doing service for 100 consecutive days
Ask the Laurels - an open forum for non-Laurels to ask Laurels questions
Ask the Pelicans - for those with questions for Pelicans
Aspirants Seeking Peer Guidance - for Atlantians seeking guidance and eventual studenthood to a Peer of Atlantia
Atlantian Autocrats and Other Interested People - for those who have or want to have experience autocratting events
Atlantian Rideshare & Crash Space - group to help those interested in attending SCA Events in Atlantia
Brainstorming SCA events - a place where people could discuss SCA events and find ways to improve them
Dogs of the SCA - eventing with dogs
East Kingdom Accessibility Porters - unofficial Facebook group for the East Kingdom Accessibility Porter's Office
Enchanted Ground: Being In Persona At Events - an interest group for being in persona at events
Period Heroes (SCA Edition) - a volunteer menstrual/period supply group for SCA events
Poly SCAdians - discussion spot for people who enjoy the SCA and polyamory
Poly-SCAdian - a discussion group for polyamorous Scadians
Polyamorous in the SCA - to provide a comfortable place for polyamorous people to chat and share
Safer SCA - to support and promote the voices of victims of sexual assault and/or harassment in the SCA
SCA - an unofficial discussion group for the SCA
SCA Ask the Peers. A Unofficial SCA Group - for non-Peers to ask Peers questions
SCA Unofficial Complaint Desk - an open forum for people to complain
SCA Courtesy - to learn about courteous behavior in the SCA
SCA Crash Space Network - a network that Scadians in need can use to find crash space
SCA Culturally Appropriate Persona Development - to discuss the ethical issues involved in creating a historical persona
SCA Event Notification Page - to post formal events and notify members as to the associated links and FB pages
SCA Event Planning Discussion Group - creation of a web-based method of planning an event for Autocrats
SCA Event Stewards - forum dedicated to sharing information about stewarding events in the SCA
SCA I need a consort/I am a consort - a resource for fighters looking for a consort or vice versa
SCA Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity - forum to discuss issues of inclusion, diversity, and equity in the SCA
SCA Inclusive Singles and Poly (Closed Group) - 18+ only dating group
SCA: Indigenous Voices and supporters (Unofficial) - to increase inclusivity for Indigenous people in the SCA
SCA lost, found, stolen - for those notifications of items lost, found, or stolen
SCA Maids and Valets - to match up employees and employers at SCA events
SCA Millennials 🥑 - unofficial inter-Kingdom group for millennial in the SCA
SCA Pinners - for Scadians who use Pinterest to find inspiration and share their projects and research
SCA Relief and Assistance (SCARA) Line - to address the urgent needs of members of the SCA
SCA Valkyrie Squad - an SCA Take Back the Night/Sexual Violence Education Initiative
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) - general group for the SCA
Unofficial Atlantian Marshalls group - information for the Atlantian Mashallate
Unofficial SCA Comments and Commentary - forum for discussion of topics that may enhance the game-side of the SCA
Women & Gender Minority Fighters - SCA Unofficial - for female-identified and other gender minority SCA fighters
Women of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) - to discuss all manner of things that affect women in the SCA
Young Adults of the SCA - for teens and young adults to meet, plan activities and discuss the SCA​
Time Periods:
Ancient SCA - ancient Greek and Roman SCA heavies and their consorts
12th Century Enthusiasts - taking over The Known World one Bliaut at a time
12th Century - All things, all places. - for those who love all things 12th Century
13th Century (1200's) Europe - for those interested in European life in the 1200's
13th Century, SCA - for those interested in recreating the 13th century
14th Century Mafia - for enthusiasts of "the One True Century"
Age of the Cotehardie - for discussing any and all topics relating to the period of about 1350 to 1450
15th Century Clothing and Culture - for reenactors/15th c. enthusiasts
Making 15th Century Reenactment Glorious - reenactors in the UK who reenact the 15th century
16th and 17th century clothing. - for people interested in clothing from the 16th and 17th centuries
Atlantia Special Kids - ASK us - a support group in Atlantia for family of children with special needs
Atlantia-YAFA Youth and Family Achievement Program - for Atlantians involved with the YAFA program
Atlantian Family Information Point - for those in Atlantia who are interested in family style SCA life
Largess Kids - to share and brainstorm ideas for largess made for kids by kids in the SCA
Pennsic Known World Children's Fete - for planning and photos of the Children's Fete at Pennsic
SCA Children and Youth Board( unoffical) - for SCA Youth for all things SCA that interest them and youth officers
SCA Children's Garb - for ideas, discussions and to ask for help with Children's Garb
SCA Parents - for all those who have responsibilities for kids at SCA events, meetings, & practices
SCA Youth and Families - discuss ideas to get youth involved and how to improve the experience for them and families
SCA Youth Officers and Marshals - to meet and share ideas with other Youth Officers of the Known World
Societas Familia/Couples and Familes of the SCA - to promote families and couples in the SCA
YAFA - Youth and Family Achievement Program Information Page - offer skills training to our youth in SCA activities
Young Adults of the SCA - for teens and young adults to meet, plan activities and discuss the SCA​
Cosplayers United Against Harassment - fight harassment and discrimination in the cosplay community
Fans For Accessible Conventions - for those interested in improving accessibility at conventions
Queers With Mental Illness - a group for LGBTQIA+ folks with mental illness
Red Umbrella Safe Zone - a closed group for current and/or former members of the red umbrella movement and allies
Snopes Tips - to submit memes, articles, and dubious claims for our fact-checkers to look into
Stop Working For Free - a group supporting artists who get requests for free labor
"The Unchargeables" Chronic Illness Support Group - for discussions related to chronic illness
Virginia Southerners On New Ground (SONG) - a southern Queer Liberation organization made up of minorities
Allegianites: The "Front Line" Fans of Allegiance on Broadway - for fans of the musical Allegiance
Carmilla (Creampuffs) - to share art, talk about the series and fangirl over Carmilla
Glorious Weirdos: Fans Of Jillian Holtzmann - for all fans of Jillian Holtzmann (Ghostbusters 2016)
Hamilton: An American Musical Fan Group - a group for sharing Hamilton related things
Hamilton The Musical Fans - for fans of the musical Hamilton
Harlots on Hulu Fan Group (Official) - a fan based discussion and prediction page for the Hulu original show Harlots
Harlot's Spoilers & Discussion - for all fans of Harlots for conversation, theories, and appreciation
Miss Phryne Fisher's Secret Society- MFMM and the 1920s - for fans of the TV show Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Orphan Black - a group dedicated to discussing Orphan Black
Orphan Black (Clone Club) - for fans of the TV show Orphan Black
1920s-1930s Costumers Support Group - for people interested in historically accurate 1920s-1930s clothing
Art Deco Society of Virginia - to preserve and promote the Commonwealth’s art deco history
Bugs and Mud: Identifying Nature Stuff - a place to share and identify cool things you find on your adventures
Corsets in Action - Busting the myths! - part of a project busting the myth that Victorians in corsets couldn't do things
Cosplayers Of Virginia - post all of your awesome cosplays photos and stories
Costume Cleanout - a place to sell unwanted costumes
Costume College Year-Round Forum - forum for Costume College attendees to post pictures of projects
Disney at Dragon Con - a place to see who is doing Disney at D*con, discuss our outfits and maybe plan some meetups
Disney Cosplay and Costumes for sale! - to sell any kind of cosplay items you would like
Disney Performer and Cosplay Sale Items - to sell and buy Disney costumes and props
DragonCon Costumes Club - discuss anything related to Costuming at DragonCon
Dragon*Con Group Photo Shoots - for the planning and sharing of group photo shoot information at Dragon Con
Dragon*Con Pictures!!! - a place to come look through albums for pictures from Dragon*Con
Dragon*Con (unofficial) - fan run page for Dragon*Con
The Edwardian Society - discuss the lifestyles, art, literature and history from 1895 to 1918
European Women in History - history of women in Europe from ancient times to mid-20th century
The Fabulosity Club - a place to coordinate costumed outings of all eras
Fashion Historians Unite! - to facilitate connections in fashion and textile history
Georgian Regency Empire Biedermeier Clothing Construction Support Group - research of garments 1790s-1820s
Historical Pattern Reviews 1700-1929 - clothing pattern reviews for styles 1700-1929
The Historical Sew Fortnightly - themed historical sewing challenges
Mildly Offensive Fiber Artists - focused on fiber arts, whether offensive or not
Mildly Offensive Fiber Artists Who Aren't Bigots - a bigotry free setting for sharing offensive fiber arts
Party Princess Support Forum - support group for people for cosplay princesses for parties and events
Princess Cosplayers - from Princess Leia to Cinderella, all princess cosplayers are welcome
Regency Costuming - post questions, photos, events and information about Regency clothing... Timeline is 1795-1820
Sewing for Steampunk and Cosplay - for people who like to sew their own costumes, be it period, steampunk, cosplay
Shear Madness: The Joy of Impractical Costuming - to post photos of items and costumes, tutorials, and questions
Snarky & Nerdy Cross Stitching - the place for stitching that wouldn't necessarily make your grandma proud
​Steampunk Fashion - share your take on what Steampunk fashion is, set up meet ups and have a good time
World Steampunk Collective - for those who love Steampunk and wish to discuss various Steampunk events
Central VA Homeschoolers - group for homeschoolers in the Central VA area
Richmond Area Homeschoolers - for homeschoolers in or near Richmond, VA
School Free Teens - Homeschool | Unschool | Drop Out | Online Learning - primarily for teens living w/o traditional school
Secular Homeschool Families - a support group for secular homeschooling families
Virginia Homeschooling - ​​​​​an inclusive group for families homeschooling in Virginia